The Sample Source List Wiki


  • "...the forefront of what is modern. You write about it. You document it. Unlike you, I have chosen to embrace it."
    • "That's our biggest headache: understanding the human mind. Well, you must admit, at least, we have that in common."
    • "You and I have nothing in common."
"Morphology" (Spheres II)

Front Line Assembly[]

  • "Understanding the human mind."
"Vigilante" (Millennium)


    • "And what will you say when the great, faceless mask comes calling... on its own initiative? What will you say to that?"
    • "You and I have nothing in common."
"Paradise" (Dämmerung Im Traum)
    • "A whole crowd is easier to control than an individual. A crowd has a common purpose, while the purpose of the individual is always... in question."
    • "That's what you're trying to eliminate, isn't it? Everything that makes one human being different from another... but you'll never, never reach a man's soul... through a lens."
    • "That rather depends which end of the microscope you're on, doesn't it?"
"A Step Away From..." (Dämmerung Im Traum)